John Barrowman, well known and loved in many nerd circles for his portrayals of Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood, and Malcom Merlyn in Arrow is now set to write a digital comic series starring the latter.
In an interview with TV Insider, Barrowman revealed that he, working with his sister, Carole Barrowman, would be using the series to explore the secret past of ‘The Dark Archer’. The events are to take place between Season 3 and Season 4 of Arrow while also travelling back to how Malcom Merlyn first became ‘The Dark Archer’.
The comic will be available from a number of sources, including the DC Comics App and Comixology. After the final issue is released the full series will be collected as a trade paperback.
The cover of the first issue can been seen below in full.
The series is to be 12 issues long and will be released bi-weekly with the first issue launching next Wednesday 13 Jan.