Home Latest Spotify Launches Party Mode To Up Your DJ Game
Spotify Launches Party Mode To Up Your DJ Game

Spotify Launches Party Mode To Up Your DJ Game


In the last few days, Spotify has launched a new feature to iOS and Android called Party Mode to expertly beat-match a playlist to have your songs transitioning flawlessly, which ensures there are no awkward silent moments between tunes.

This feature is only available through the mobile version of the app. It can adjust the playlist to match the feel of the party based on a mood tuner that is controlled by the user.

To celebrate the launch, Spotify has premiered a 120 track playlist from Diplo.

This is a great attempt to bridge the gap between human interaction and a standard playlist, allowing the host to just throw on a playlist but avoid that awkward moment when the music doesn’t suit the mood.

This feature is available for paid and unpaid subscribers and will be completely rolled out by Wednesday next week.
