Home Tag "Kingdom Hearts"

Kingdom Hearts III Gets A Release Date

With Square Enix’s E3 Showcase taking place on Monday 11th June at 6pm (IST), some news of the eagerly anticipated Kingdom Hearts has been released. Kingdom Hearts III gets a release date of January 29th 2019 worldwide (January 25th 2019 in Japan). The news comes via their official Twitter page. 2019 Can’t Come Soon Enough […]

Square Enix E3 Showcase Announced

E3 is only a few of weeks away. The largest expo for gaming will take place on June 12th-14th at the Los Angeles Convention Center. A number of pre-shows will take place during the week, as a Square Enix E3 Showcase has been announced for Monday June 11th at 6pm Irish time. It will be streamed across […]

E3 2017: Playstation Predictions

It’s that time of year again, folks. Hop on-board the hype train and ride it for as long as you can before reality sets back in, because E3 2017 is just around the corner. This year there are 7 major presentations to look forward to, so let’s start by breaking down what Sony and the […]

Minimalist Videogame Poster – Gallery

Video games are great, as is minimalism, and posters. Don’t get me wrong, they’re great in different ways. Video games are enjoyable over long periods of time, whereas minimalism is best in small doses. (You bet I’m trying to make the maximum amount of minimalism jokes I can.)  Posters too, amirite? If you plaster a wall […]

7 Stories With Shoddy Starts

Yeah, well, patience is a virtue Yoda. And I am not a virtuous man. See here’s the thing – I firmly believe that a storyteller must hook you from the very first line. Or scene. Or level. Whatever the case may be. Some storytellers apparently disagree however. As more and more frequently we see a […]