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Review – Doctor Who: “Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS”

For me, any story of the Whoniverse that focuses on the TARDIS is nothing but a good thing. Stories like the Tom Baker classic, 'The Invasion of Time', audio stories like 'Zagreus', and indeed, last series' episode 'The Doctor's Wife' by Neil Gaiman, an episode which ranks as my uncontested all-time favourite. As I'm sure you've gathered at this stage, any story which explores that mad machine in detail tends to be pretty wonderful indeed, and I'm delighted to say that Steve Thompson's take on the TARDIS more than lives up to expectations.

Review – Doctor Who: "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS"

For me, any story of the Whoniverse that focuses on the TARDIS is nothing but a good thing. Stories like the Tom Baker classic, 'The Invasion of Time', audio stories like 'Zagreus', and indeed, last series' episode 'The Doctor's Wife' by Neil Gaiman, an episode which ranks as my uncontested all-time favourite. As I'm sure you've gathered at this stage, any story which explores that mad machine in detail tends to be pretty wonderful indeed, and I'm delighted to say that Steve Thompson's take on the TARDIS more than lives up to expectations.

Review: Iron Man 3

He survived New York! He saved the world! Tony Stark returns home leaving his time with the Avengers behind him but unable to shake the doubts and the fear from his mind he locks himself away but when a new threat emerges and the world and people he loved are threatened he must face his fears and don the armor once more! But will it be enough? Check out our review of Iron Man 3 now!

Review: Evil Dead (2013)

Let’s get one thing out of the way before I start this review. If you are on the fence or have decided not to give the new Evil Dead a chance because you think it’s a cash grab, or disagree with the idea of an Evil Dead remake/reboot/sequel/whatever you want to believe this film is, […]

Review – Doctor Who: 'Hide'

I'm going to come right out and say it to begin this review, just so you know what you're in for. This is definitively my favourite episode of Series 7 thus far. This is, in fact, one of my overall favourite episodes of Matt Smith's entire run thus far! Ryan tackles the latest episode of season 7, 'Hide'.

Review – Doctor Who: ‘Hide’

I'm going to come right out and say it to begin this review, just so you know what you're in for. This is definitively my favourite episode of Series 7 thus far. This is, in fact, one of my overall favourite episodes of Matt Smith's entire run thus far! Ryan tackles the latest episode of season 7, 'Hide'.

Review: Blackstar Book One

'So that's what Akira would be like if it was set in Ireland!' is not a sentence I thought I would be saying when I began reading 'Blackstar', the new indie comic from Mike Lynch. Really, I wasn't sure what to expect, but whatever expectations I had were blown out of the water by the opening scene, a satirical extra-terrestrial encounter at a gas station that reads like something you'd find in a Men in Black film.