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Review: Dead Space 3

Five years ago the first chapter in the Dead Space series began, in 2008 gamers were refreshed with a new horror. So here we are in 2013 and the third instalment has been released to the public but after five years does it still have what it takes to entertain and scare us?

Review: Ni No Kuni

Console: PlayStation 3Players: SingleRelease Date: 1st February 2013Developers: Level-5Publishers: Level-5Genre: Roleplay, FantasyPrice: €55.99 JRPGS have often suffered the problem of having a small appeal and a niche audience. It can be a difficult genre to get into. From the outside it can look daunting, have weird and “out there” stories, esoteric control systems or just […]

Review: Lincoln

"It’s a coup for all involved that the character, the majority of performances and the main plot are as strong as they are since, much like the Democrats trouble the Republican party in the story, other forces work against the film to try and stop it in its tracks.". History in the cinema as Liam tackles Lincoln! Check out his review now!

Review: Warm Bodies

A fun blend of two familiar genres - zombie flicks and romantic comedies - Warm Bodies creates a new hybrid, zom-rom-com... But is it a refreshing take on two tired themes, or a recipe for cheese of the highest order? Hitting Irish cinemas on February 8th, Thérèse Lyons got a sneak peek to bring you this review!

Django Unchained

Quentin Tarantino's newest blockbuster about a freed slave in pre-Civil War America is as brutal, raucous, quick-fire and entertaining as we have come to expect from the legendary director, who has a powerhouse cast at his disposal. Paddy English reviews Django Unchained.

Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise is back as a hardened ass-kicker operating outside the law in fast-paced action flick Jack Reacher. But after the initial trailers received mixed reception from critics and the public, was our writer Liam Kavanagh impressed?

Episode 1 – The Following

Sharpen those wits, grab your smoking jacket and pipe, we've got a murder to solve! Or watch! The Following is a new thriller/cop show from FOX and with Kevin Bacon taking lead in the crime show, our interest was peaked. Anthony dons his scrubs and checks what all the serial killer fuss is about!

Sexism in Games: Culture and Industry

We're always very eager to know what our readers thought about our featured articles and opinions and more recently we attempted to open discussion on the subject of gender and identity within the geek community. Stephen Beirne, sent us in the following article that details with the manifestation of sexism and gender bias in gaming.