Home Latest ‘I’ll Forget You’ – Beware of You – Track of the Day
‘I’ll Forget You’ – Beware of You – Track of the Day

‘I’ll Forget You’ – Beware of You – Track of the Day


Let’s give a shout-out to some Irish talent, shall we? Today’s track pick is by the excellent Beware of You!

Blah blah, I’m pop punk trash, blah blah, we all know how this goes by now. So of course Dublin’s Beware of You are up my street. They’re an honestly excellent pop-punk band who manage to blend the modern, post-hardcore influenced style of pop-punk with the much poppier classic sound of the early 2000’s.

‘I’ll Forget You’ is one of the best pop-punk tunes I’ve heard in years, and I heartily encourage you to check it out if homegrown female-fronted pop-punk sounds even slightly intriguing to you.
