Home Latest Hellraiser: Judgement Concept Art And Story Details Revealed
Hellraiser: Judgement Concept Art And Story Details Revealed

Hellraiser: Judgement Concept Art And Story Details Revealed


Mixed feelings, would perhaps be the best way to describe feelings regarding the upcoming tenth installment of the Hellraiser franchise, Judgement.

Featuring Gary Tunnicliffe, director of such hits as Dracula III and Dinoshark and conspicuously lacking Doug Bradley (who refused to return to his role as Pinhead due to a gagging order he considered excessive), the film’s chances are already less than ideal. But concept art and plot details provided by Bloody Disgusting indicate the possibility of the franchise going in an entirely new direction.

The revealed synopsis hints at a murder mystery theme to the film, featuring two detectives as the main protagonists. Several new Cenobites have been revealed which seem to fit this theme. Such as the auditor, a sunglasses wearing accountant figure who calculates every mortal’s sins before passing them on to an entity called the Assessor for Judgement. A group of female Cenobites by the name of the Jury will also feature, passing gruesome verdicts on all offending mortals that cross their paths.

Hellraiser Judgement (2)

Hellraiser Judgement (3)

These new characters seem to reflect a more judicial theme to the new Cenobites, in opposition to the more capricious semi-divine antagonists of previous installations. The release date has yet to be announced.
