Home Featured Gamer Gift Guide: What To Spend Your Christmas Money On
Gamer Gift Guide: What To Spend Your Christmas Money On

Gamer Gift Guide: What To Spend Your Christmas Money On


With the Christmas season now past us, you’re probably finding yourself browsing through geeky websites and peering in Game Stop windows all the while pondering what you’re going to spend all of your Christmas money on.

Don’t fret! We here at The Arcade have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that no nerdy shelf is left untouched, and we’ve prepared a wish list of awesome gamer goodies that you just have to have for the new year. Go on, treat yourself!

First thing’s first, let’s start small…

I’m not really a ‘gamer’ gamer 

It’s perfectly fine if you’re the kind of person who can’t tell an Xbox from a Playstation (as you’re a die hard fan of Candy Crush and Farmville exclusively), because there are plenty of gifts that require you to know less than Jon Snow about the subject.

farmville gif

Nerd Block

The market has been absolutely flooded with subscription boxes since Loot Crate exploded onto the scene. On a monthly basis you can get anything from make-up to movies to health food delivered to your doorstep with no problems. However, the catch-22 on this one is you never know what you’re going to get.

That’s why having a specialized box like Nerd Block’s Arcade bundle is perfect for dropping loot to your door every month. Not only are you guaranteed something game related, you can’t even be blamed if they don’t get the perfect gift because hey, you didn’t curate the box! It’s a win-win!

arcade block

There’s just so much choice! 

Every gamer since the dawn of time has that one game or even a full series that they love above all others. Why not splash the cash on something you can display in your room? That way everyone from your family, to friends, to that special someone will know just how geeky you are.


If you’re trying to find the perfect present for yourself, you’re in luck, because every game company and their mothers are now churning out merchandise to feed your gamer addiction. Are you constantly raging at League of Legends? Done! Do you spend most of your time complaining about the original ending of Mass Effect? Boom! Trying to recapture the nostalgia of gaming eras gone by? Nintendo! The list is practically endless! Official Merch getting you down? Not to worry there’s always…


Pop! Vinyl Figures

You literally cannot go wrong with these. At this stage, there’s so many Pop! figures that there are websites offering tracking guides to tell you which of the thousands of characters you are missing. With so much choice, there’s bound to be at least one character from one game that will sit pretty beside your computer, so my advice is to high tail it down to your local geek shop and ask someone there for their opinion.

assassins creed

Fan made 

There are also plenty of fan made and obscure goodies to invest in as well. Whether you’re looking for the soon to be released Toriel plushie from Undertalea sweet fan-designed addition to your wardrobe from the thousands of creators on Redbubble.com or a scented candle fragranced with the fresh, firey scent of a dragon’s breath, there are incredibly cool things out there.

dragon fire

The beauty of getting a crisp €20 note in a Christmas card from that aunt you never see is that you can spend it on something you actually like. Bye bye random bath set, hello geekdom!

What’s on your personal wish list? Let us know in the comments!


  1. What I will spend my Christmas money on:
    1. Pop Vinyls
    2. Pop Vinyls
    3. Maybe a LootCrate supscription
    4. More Pop Vinyls

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