I never pick the warrior class, not in tabletop, not in video games, I’ve just never seen the appeal of wielding a sword and shield, or two-handed broadsword all while wearing heavy armor that limits movement.
Brute strength, unbridled stamina, warriors swing first ask questions later, they are the first line of offensive and the biggest line of defensive, allowing other characters to get their attacks in from a distance. I don’t like taking damage, so I do not make a great tank, I’ve only begun to play outside my comfort zone and experiment with Muradin in Heroes of the Storm and even then it’s more to taunt, stun and impose than actually fight!
All this month I’m going to dedicate the weekly gallery to the four main/basic roles found in any adventuring party worth their salt! To start us off, I’ve gone with the class I know the least about – the Warrior.
Editor-in-Chief, part-time super villain and hoarder of cats. If you can’t find me writing, I’m probably in the kitchen!