Missed out all the big news from the week? Fret not! I have you covered with the weekly recap of all the big and not so big news!
Mystery Bioware project gets another trailer
Last week Bioware released a mysterious trailer for a new project they are working on called “You’ve Been Chosen“. Well, it looks like Bioware isn’t letting the hype go so quickly as they revealed yet another trailer for the project and its just as weird as the first one. This teaser trailer features a new character, weird imagery, explosions and another mysterious figure. Keep your eyes peeled on August 13th at Gamescom as we will be getting more info then.
Michel Ancel announces his new studio. Wild Sheep
Michel Ancel (creator of Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil) has announced that he will be starting his own studio named Wild Sheep. While he has started a new studio, Ancel will still continue to work at Ubisoft. When Ubisoft was questioned about what Michels new studio means for the future of Ubisoft Montpellier, Xaxier Poix, Ubisoft Montpellier managing director, gave the following statement,”We are fortunate to have some of the industry’s finest talents, including Michel Ancel, working with us at our studio. In addition to spending some of his time on this new venture, Michel is leading the creative development of select projects at Ubisoft Montpellier, including an extremely ambitious new title that is very close to his and the team’s heart.”
While its sad to see Michel distancing himself from Ubisoft and the games he made, I am still glad hes trying new things with Wild Sheep.
Ubisoft says Beyond Good & Evil 2 is coming
Keeping with the Ubisoft news now, as this week IGN has found evidence that Michel Ancel’s latest title will be the long awaited sequel to the cult classic, Beyond Good & Evil. While Michel Ancel is starting his own new studio, Wild Sheep, he will still be staying at Ubisoft Montpellier to work on the sequel, a title that has been in development for 10 years now. Ubisoft has confirmed that the project is still in development and provided some clarity on how its development is going.
“It’s still far too early to give many details about this new title, but what we can say is that while Michel and the team at Ubisoft Montpellier are working with the core tenets of BG&E, they’re developing something that aspires to push past the boundaries of a proverbial sequel and leverages next-gen technologies to deliver a truly surprising, innovative and exceptional game. The entire team is excited about the direction this extremely ambitious project is taking, and we’ll have more to share later, as it progresses.”
While its great to here the project isn’t dead, for me its too little too late to be excited for a game that’s been in development limbo for 10 years. I loved the original title and it remains to this day to be one of the most distinctive games out there, but with such a long development cycle and the lead creator stretched between two different studios, I am not getting excited just yet.
You can head to IGN to read the full story.
Bravely Default sells 1 million copies, largely attributed to western sales
The recent 3DS JRPG, Bravely Default, has proved that old school JRPGs can still sell big numbers, as the game has now sold 1 million copies worldwide. The news comes from Dengeki Online who stated that the game has sold 400,000 copies in Japan and 600,000 copies in the West. The title has had quite a lot of sale time though, with the original Japanese release being in October 2012, the European release in December 2013 and the American release being the latest with February 2014. With a sequel already in development and Square Enix promising to release more JRPGs in the west, it looks like we might be heading into a JRPG renaissance, and I would be okay with that.
LittleBigPlanet 3 release date revealed
Media Molecule’s little patchwork pal is going on yet another adventure with Little Big Planet 3, and this time he’s bringing some new friends along. Announced at Sony’s E3 press conference out of the blue this year, the title is actually coming a lot sooner then we thought as this week we learned that both the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game will release November 18th.
Gearbox tells their side of Alien: Colonial Marines in Court
We all think we know the tale of the utter disaster that was Alien: Colonial Marines. Some theories point to Gearbox not receiving enough funding from Sega, while some say that Gearbox used the money intended for Colonial Marines for the development of Borderlands 2. Either way, the theories and rumors are finally going to be laid to rest, as Gearbox is being brought to court over the matter. Last year, a number of consumer filed a lawsuit against Sega and Gearbox over the false advertisement of Alien: Colonial Marines that was presented in demos. Gearbox has stated that the sales of the game were not enough to trigger any additional payments and that they only received money at the agreed development milestones. Gearbox has also gone on record saying that they had spent millions of their own money to finish the game, money which they had not been compensated for. On July 30th Gearbox filed a motion to strike plaintiffs Damion Perrine and John Locke’s class allegations, due to the case being far too broad, as some people who purchased the title may have never even seen the demos. Gearbox have claimed that the class action lawsuit is just too varied, as it would lump every person who purchased the game into the same lot, each with their own reasons for purchasing, not all directly based on the demos.
Oddly enough, the case has lost of the two plaintiffs, as Damion Perrine has not been in contact with attorney for some time now. In a bizarre turn of events, Perrine is currently in jail in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Perrine’s lawyer has requested that he be removed as a class representative from the case. The court has yet to rule any judgement or Perrine’s removal as a representative. It seems like this case is going to be heading in Gearbox’s favor, with the number of representatives dwindling. Either way, its still good to hear Gearbox’s side of the story.
Paper Mario gets a new stage in Super Smash Bros
A new stage was shown off for Super Smash Bros this week, this time being the first addition of the Paper Mario series. The stage will be yet another moving stage, with elements of the background moving around with paper folding and unfolding to reveal a new location. The two locations are based on two different titles in the series, with the first being from Paper Mario for the N64 and the second being Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the Gamecube. Fans have been asking for Paper Mario as a playable character for years now, but I suppose this stage will have to satisfy people’s Paper Mario needs for a while.
OverClock Remix celebrates the Gameboys 25th Anniversary with a new album
I know this technically isn’t news, but I thought I’d end this weeks Weekly Recap on a high note for once, so guess what? The Gameboy is 25 years old this week and what better way to celebrate then with a look back at the iconic chip tunes the device gave us. Well everyone’s favorite video game music remix group, OverClocked Remix have released a new album titled “Legacy: Game Boy 25th Anniversary” to celebrate the handhelds birthday. The album features 15 songs from the Game Boy and Game Boy Colour, including tracks from Pokemon to Tetris. The album is remixed and arranged by 16 OC Remix artists and is entirely free to download. I love OC remixes work, and they produce some amazing video game remix albums, so give this a listen if your feeling nostalgic for the handheld system that started them all.
You can download the album here.