Home Buzz Interview – Tab Kimpton, KhaosKomix
Interview – Tab Kimpton, KhaosKomix

Interview – Tab Kimpton, KhaosKomix


KhaosKomix is one of the most widely read comics online with a huge following that spans all corners of the world. The characters in the stories are some of the most beloved and it’s not hard to see why… they read like they are normal people and it is very easy for us to find ourselves living their situations. They deal with sex, sexuality, gender, relationships and the pains of growing up, something we all deal with in our adolescent years.
The creator of the series, Tab Kimpton is not just a writer and artist, he has also become somewhat of an icon on the European convention circuit. Known for his splendorous cosplays, fantastic range of Steampunk wonders and talent, we catch up with Tab to talk comics, cosplay and gaming…

Can you just start by telling us a little bit about yourself?

 Always an awkward question! I’m 21 years old, pale and skinny, and an internet addict.

You run KhaosKomics, KhaosKostumes and the KhaoticEmporium – where did all of these come from?

Khaos Komix was the first of all of them, the name of which finally came about around 6 years ago. I started cosplaying around 2008 as part of a group called Uber-Nerd, which mainly consisted of a lot of skit work. The name belonged to my friend Christian though, so when I got to the point where I began taking on commissions for costumes I thought it was important to have my own name. I’ve always liked the concept of Chaos, mainly because it describes my work very well, so I used Khaos Kostumes. The Khaotic Emporium came about in May 09 when I ran my first dealers table full of steam-punk things.

One of the hardest part about doing the things you love as a job is that it becomes your work, and you don’t have hobbies any more. Moving between things keeps my life from becoming stale; I know I could never be a full time comic artist for example.

 Let’s start with the KhaosKomics – how did you first begin your web-comics?

I was pretty good in art at school, but my love of making comics really kicked off one long summer holiday I spent with my dad. I found a “How to draw comics” section in a book store, and that introduction to the idea that I could make comics myself was like a revelation. I’d never really liked comics as a kid because they were all male straight cisgendered superheroes, so none of them dealt with any issues I really cared about. It was around that time I started to question my own sexuality and self image, so I began writing terrible little queer comics as an outlet.

I soon began reading other web-comics and seeing what else there was to offer on the internet. It inspired me, and after a couple of false starts I began writing the Steve’s story, the start of Khaos as it is today. That was the summer before I started college in 2007.

Your work deals with primarily members of the LGBT community, was that your original intention?

The first ever comics I wrote were crappy little superhero stories involving me and my friends, but even those had a magical gender change due to the Power of their Elements being combined. Gender and Sexuality have always interested me, and as time went on I realised that I really like writing about relationships which aren’t within social norms, and how they are just as valid.

What kind of response do the comics get?

I get a fantastic response for my work, the most touching of these from people who have had similar experiences to some of my characters, and how the stories help them feel less alone. Despite the fact around 1/10 people are queer in the UK, the media and film just doesn’t reflect that, and combined with bullying in schools, gay people, especially teens feel very alone and isolated.

We’ve read quite a few and some of them are a little bit raunchy (in the good way mind you!), how do your readers react to these scenes of passion?

Well, I’ve never had people complain…

 You also take costume commissions through KhaosKostumes – seriously do you ever stop to have a day off? 

When you’re self employed you tend not to! There’s always emails to write or things to post, so no, I’d never really say I book days off. Instead I just work when I need to and relax for a few hours when I can. Though I have to admit if I did have a day where I couldn’t do any work I wouldn’t know quite what to do with myself!

How did you get into costume making?

I used to alter clothing a lot as a teen, so I had some sewing experience before I started getting into costumes. I also have a mother who likes making things, so when it came to school plays I was always the smarmy kid with the gladiator’s helmet when everyone else was wearing tea towels.

The first time I decided to really make a costume was after a local bookstore TokyoPop event where someone came dressed in an awesome Cloud costume. I’d never really thought about actually making full costumes before, so he inspired me to have a go. The next event I was back with costumes for me and some friends from Dragon Ball Z. I then went to my first con (Minamicon 14 2008), entered our first skit (titled The Sperm of Hellsing XD) and won the “Services to Family Planning” Award. From then on I was hooked!

You’ve worn some pretty fantastic pieces; do you have a particular favourite?

Looks wise, I love my Crystal Siegfried costume, just because it’s the most intricate thing I’ve made, so makes me feel most accomplished. But when it comes to actually wearing a costume, my favourite is my own character Billy Strings. It’s an easy to wear costume (Siegfried actually gives me bruises all the way down my arms the next day…), it packs light, and playing the character is just the most fun in the world. I just put on my Texan accent, straighten my waistcoat, and waltz away.

Now we’ve heard a rumour that you will be appearing at @rcadeCon this July, what sort of stuff can we expect from you? Is this your first convention in Ireland?

This will actually be my first con in Ireland so @rcadeCon will have the challenge of proving how good Irish cons are! I’ll be bringing myself and the lovely Roxie Parts over, ready to meet and greet with people. We’ll be taking as much of our table as we can in 2 suitcases, and I’ll be doing some panels on Steampunk, Crossplay and some makeup SFX. It’s always interesting to see how different countries do different things, so I’m looking forward to it!

Finally, if you were trapped in an Arcade for eternity, what one game would you play to pass the time?

I would use the time to get awesome on DDR. My hand eye co-ordination is pretty terrible, so all the other games I suck at, but my hand feet arrangement is a lot better. I used to play it a lot, but now my legs are weak and feeble, so it would be nice to be good again. All eternity means I have lots of time to do it in!


You can check out all of Tabs sites here:



The Khaotic Emporium
