Home Tag "The last guardian"

Sony’s E3 Press Conference

Sony’s E3 Press Conference kicked off with a live orchestra playing a mighty, booming soundtrack. After several minutes, the curtain raised on stage, as the theatre was plunged into darkness, to reveal a young boy playing with toys. A voice is heard telling the boy they are going hunting. From the darkness, a familiar figure, resembling a bearded Kratos, […]

Ciaran’s E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Ciaran's E3 2014 Predictions

Its that magical time of the year again folks, the time when all the big game developers crowd into the LA convention center to show off all the exciting new titles they have for us. With last years desperate war of who has the best shiny black box, this year we can finally focus on […]

Weekly Recap 24/11/13

Is it Sunday already? Well that means it’s time for the weekly recap of all the biggest news in gaming. This week was the launch of the Xbox One and the start of another console war, and its only been out for a day, but has sold one million consoles across 13 markets. just remember its a […]

The Last Guardian being “Re-Engineered”

The highly anticipated title “The Last Guardian” is being reworked,and it seems likely it will be heading to PS4. In a interview with Games Industy International, Shuhei Yoshida(Sony’s head of Worldwide Studios) talked about the development of the title, Fumito Ueda’s involvement and the right time for re-introducing it. Ciaran Nolan

The Last Guardian being "Re-Engineered"

The highly anticipated title “The Last Guardian” is being reworked,and it seems likely it will be heading to PS4. In a interview with Games Industy International, Shuhei Yoshida(Sony’s head of Worldwide Studios) talked about the development of the title, Fumito Ueda’s involvement and the right time for re-introducing it. Ciaran Nolan