Home Tag "Star Trek"

Star Trek Discovery Trailer Released

This is the moment Star Trek fans the world over have been waiting for; a first look at Star Trek: Discovery. After plenty of delays, it’s finally released, and at least we can feel reassured that this is happening.  Personally, I’m disappointed with the trailer. I actually got some major Star Wars vibes throughout, particularly at the start, but […]

Ben Lovely Time Pixel Art – Gallery

Hey Kid, you like Pixel Art? Sure you do. You’re on the internet. This is a vertical slice of Ben Bates‘ portfolio. He does pop-culture, public figures, video game art, and his own head. I can work with words, but this guy is damn handy with little different coloured squares. Check out his stuff below: […]

Nerd Icon – David Warner

David Warner is one of my favourite actors. He has a refined yet intimidating voice which compliments his remarkable charisma. He has given his talents to many iconic TV and film franchises for over 50 years. You may not immediately know his name but his body of work is so immense and so diverse that […]