Home Tag "Parody"

Sir David Attenborough Fallout 4 Parody

Sir David Attenborough’s Planet Earth documentary series for the BBC, has proven massively popular in the last few years. The documentary series and it’s sequel Planet Earth II, have re-established the 90 year old documentary film legend as a pop cultural icon by introducing a whole new generation to his work. At the end of […]

EwTube – Musical Maladies

There are few more noble endeavours than the musical mashup. The only way to truly improve upon perfection is to blend it with a starkly different perfection and marvel at the marvellous results. The combination of two works of art into a blend of super-art if you will. And like all great works of art, the best […]

Hamilton And Star Trek Crossover In ‘My Spock’

Have you heard Hamilton? You really should listen to Hamilton. It’s a hip-hop musical about American founding father Alexander Hamilton. It is BRILLIANT. Even if you haven’t though, you’ll still likely appreciate this mash-up/parody from Jackson Lanzing, who merges Hamilton‘s ‘My Shot’ with Spock from Star Trek. The results are conclusive: This is amazing. Fans […]

Mario V. Sonic: Dawn Of Smash

IGN have been busy! By busy of course I mean they’ve been together a pretty interesting edit of the original Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer and it features two very familiar faces. Mario and Sonic go head to head in the trailer for Dawn of Smash which sees them replace Bats and Supes with the creators […]