Home Tag "Mario"

Play Mario In Your Browser

Have you ever had a crazy craving to play Super Mario, but been too lazy too go find your DS? Well, today may be your lucky day as some geeky gods have found a way to bring Mario to your Bowser browser! With familiar sound and level design, it is a fine recreation of the classic, shown […]

Geeky Goodies: Christmas Edition

It’s hard to believe Christmas is in just a few short days. It seems like only yesterday when I marked my calendar for the release of The Force Awakens, filled with anticipation at the thought of seeing Star Wars on the silver screen, with Christmas at the back of my mind as a distant, far-off thought. […]

Mario V. Sonic: Dawn Of Smash

IGN have been busy! By busy of course I mean they’ve been together a pretty interesting edit of the original Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer and it features two very familiar faces. Mario and Sonic go head to head in the trailer for Dawn of Smash which sees them replace Bats and Supes with the creators […]

Screen Savers: Super Mario Bros. (1993)

It’s that time of the week again, folks! That time when we here at The Arcade take a break from all that fine, stimulating masterwork floating around the film industry and dive deep into the depths of what should never be viewed. This week, we watched the classic Super Mario Bros., the film which is renowned for […]

Geeky Goodies: Gamer Edition

Many of us likely spend a good chunk of our week trawling through sites featuring a wish list of toys and accessories, which ends up more like window shopping. As we’re pure evil here at The Arcade, we’re going to share a list of the top Geeky Goodies we’re lusting after this week. As Gamescom 2015 […]

Rare Amiibo Collectibles Set To Return To Stores

Good news today for Amiibo collectors in search of sold-out items. Nintendo has come out to say that they are re-stocking their harder-to-find characters that have been admittedly unavailable due to the unexpected excessive demand for the miniature figures. Two variations that we’ll see more of in stores will be Fire Emblem’s Marth and Ike in addition […]