Home Tag "Chris Hemsworth"

MIB: International Trailer Flashes In

The Men in Black are back a the first trailer for MIB: International is revealed. Taking on a global treat, new recruit Agent M (Tessa Thompson) teams up with Agent H (Chris Hemsworth) to track down dangerous aliens. Set across several locations including London and New York, MIB: International looks action packed, while having similar […]

Loki And Thor Find A Part Time Job In New Set Picture

Despite the bitter sibling rivalry that they share onscreen, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston seem to get along pretty well. Shooting for the next Thor film in Brisbane, Australia, Hemsworth has posted a picture of himself and Hiddleston taking it easy at a newsstand. But eagle-eyed fans may notice this isn’t just any regular newsstand! Headlines of the various newspapers read “Has Thor Returned! […]

Chris Hemsworth To Return In Star Trek 4

It looks like the next Star Trek movie will have two Kirks at the helm! Although J.J. Abrams did not direct the most recent instalment of the series, he still has much to say on its future. As early reports on Star Trek: Beyond seem largely positive, a sequel is extremely likely. On the subject, […]

Thor: Ragnarok To Include The Hulk

Ragnarok is the apocalypse of Norse mythology. It is therefore understandable that in the case of Thor: Ragnarok (the third installment of the Marvel movie franchise) many have expectations that are above average. However, in the lead up to the movie’s production, details have come to light that give us reason to be hopeful. Reporting for JoBlo, Paul Shirey claims to have […]