Home Tag "2015"

Meg’s Top 5 Comics of 2015

2015 was a year full of events. Wars were secret and worlds converged, reboots fought it out every week, Bobby Drake came out, people died, people came back to life, indies snuck up on us, we all fought about Alan Moore and everyone was confused. It’s been one hell of a year and these are five […]

Ross’ Top 5 Albums Of 2015

What a year it’s been in terms of music. What a bloody outstanding year. There have been so many good tracks and albums in the past twelve months, with some of my favourite bands releasing new work, surprise newcomers and outliers that I had never listened to before all contributing to make this one of […]

Laura’s Best Of 2015

2015 has been an interesting year for me, to say the least. I’ve started new paths in my life, made new lasting friendships and of course played a lot of games! It’s been a year of constant change for me, and a lot of it has been spent figuring out what kind of person I am, […]