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Gallery: Disney Dress Up

Halloween is just around the corner and you’re no doubt thinking about (or halfway through sewing) the costume you’ll wear on the night. If you think a character or concept is too outlandish for you, think again! This is Halloween; a night where you can be anyone or anything you want to, so have fun […]

Gif Essay: The Accidental All-Night Gamer

Sometimes our decisions to game all night can seem premeditated; sometimes spur of the moment but more often than not we’ll find ourselves looking at the clock, absently noticing that it’s 8pm, only to realize it’s 6am the next time our eyes leave the screen. As much as we all might furiously deny that we’ve […]

Geeky Goodies: Plush Comfort

We’re heading for a rough, cold and wet few weeks/months and while some of us (me, mostly me!) are looking forward to the freezing dark nights ahead the rest are dreading soggy clothes, biting winds and lack of sunshine. It got me thinking though about the things we use to comfort ourselves, get all snuggled […]

Life In Japan: Eat Cheap!

Japan is not, contrary to what you may have heard, a particularly expensive country. Sure, it’s got its high-end areas and an obsession with brand names that both rivals and completely outdoes anything America’s most self-absorbed millennials could offer, but generally speaking, the cost of living in Japan, even in places like Tokyo, is pretty […]