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Whachu Doing This Week… Niamh?

When that post-Easter food baby has become more akin to something from Charmed or last year’s Prevenge, getting the bare minimal done is average. So in the past week or so i’ve mostly been watching TV or reading. I was watching a lot of animal themed stuff over Easter but rather than bore you with my […]

Rogue One Sequel Novel Will Be Named Inferno Squad

Anyone who saw Rogue One wouldn’t be surprised at LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy’s announcement that the film was a standalone project. The movie’s conclusion stressed the self-contained nature of the story, leaving little room for a sequel. Nevertheless, a sequel (or a midquel if we’re counting A New Hope) is due for release in novel form. […]

ReRead – TimeRiders

It’s hard to find a good time travelling series that sends your mind into a downward spiral. Sometimes you can get so caught up with the nitty-gritty scientific and logical explanations that it can over shadow the fun of the story. And while TimeRiders by Alex Scarrow won’t win any prizes for the best thought out […]

The Space Between By Meg Grehan – Review

The Space Between by Irish author Meg Grehan is a tender story about the life of a girl called Beth as she deals with the shattering consequences of mental illness; her self-hatred and severe social anxiety has lead to her shutting herself inside her house for a year to try and… something. Find happiness? Heal herself? Crumble? […]

Harry Potter’s Guide to Life

Given that Harry wasn’t raised by his parents (cue audible sob) , it’s surprising that he turned out so well. Most believe in a nature and nurture mix, but Harry seemed to succeed on nature alone. Some may argue that it’s in reaction to such cruelty that he aimed to be better. Harry’s reaction to […]

My First Fictional Crush – Inner Geek

We all remember that first fictional crush. Whether you were taken by the cuteness of Cardcaptor Sakura, the goofy Goku or the Red Ranger, we’ve all been there, trying to explain a crush on a totally fictional character to our closest friends. This week we’re debuting our new column, Inner Geek, which will touch upon […]

Whachu Doin’ This Week Dave?

I used to watch The Fast Show regularly. Then I stopped liking it for some reason. Now I’ve rediscovered the sketches thanks you YouTube and find myself laughing at them again. It’s been a great week for getting reacquainted actually. Permit me to tell you about it in the style of The Fast Show’s Jesse. […]