Home Featured ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ – Glen Campbell – Track Of The Day
‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ – Glen Campbell – Track Of The Day

‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ – Glen Campbell – Track Of The Day


On August 8th of this year the music industry lost a wonderful artist by the name of Glen Campbell. Growing up with my parents there was a lot of country music played in my house. My mom especially loved playing it on the radio and on record. Although vinyl records are kind of making a retro comeback, back in my youth they were the top of the line.

One song that has stuck with me to this day is ‘Rhinestone Cowboy’ by Glen Campbell. I don’t know if it’s the lyrics, the music or a combination of everything. This song is still available on my playlist and I would definitely be remiss to not pick this song. So, without further adieu, here is my choice for today’s Track of the Day. R.I.P. Glen Campbell.

Hope you enjoy this ear worm today. Do you know who Glen Campbell was? Do you have a different song that you liked from him? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
