Home Latest YouTube Digest: MyHarto
YouTube Digest: MyHarto

YouTube Digest: MyHarto


I wrote an EwTube piece not too long ago that featured a video from American YouTuber Hannah Hart. Owing to the response this video got it seemed like a good idea to draft a YouTube Digest focusing on her main channel My Harto.

Hart was first introduced to me by a friend. It was a regular content piece known as ‘My Drunk Kitchen’. The premise is self-explanatory. Our host picks a dish which she then attempts to make in an increasing state of intoxication. In a way it is the antidote to cooking shows. Hart‘s most recent culinary endeavour features Baked Brie. Despite the booze the result seems not only edible but, it has to said, appetising.

It is easy to see why our reader is so fond of Hart. Not only does she produce content that’s entertaining, but isn’t afraid to get out of her comfort zone or run the risk of making a fool of herself while going about it. She does both in a recent collaboration video where she got her hair styled. That said, does she where the Pompadore well…

Personally, the major (or at least the initial) appeal of MyHarto was that the host takes damn-near every moment as the opportunity for a pun. Even when running this recent tutorial video we get two bit of wordplay towards the end. It’s so good I’m surprised they didn’t fist pomp! For more hairy shenanigans I’d suggest checking out the Mohawk video.

Hart 2 Hart is another regular content piece that never  fails to lift one’s spirits. One of these posted a few months ago looks at responsible dog ownership. Helpful advice mixed in with some self-deprecation.

Like many new creatives on YouTube, Hart has a relationship with viewers that leads to reciprocity in the content she makes. The most recent example of this is her video she produced around the Gender Tag.

For me the video demonstrates the major reason for Hart‘s success so far. In the video her open mindedness is clear. She doesn’t have all the answers, but neither does she pretend to. She free admits her limitations and welcomes further input from her viewers. More than that, while many will have experiences that chime with her own, she does not pretend to speak for all people, or all members of a particular group. With integrity like this it’s no wonder so many have taken Hart to their hearts – MyHarto has over a million and a half subscribers. As a consequence, the reckless optimism that is referred to on her channel’s banner picture seems worthwhile. One can’t help hoping she continues making an impact.

What to you make of Hannah Hart? Are you a fan/subscriber to MyHarto? Let us know in the comments!
