Home Comics/Books Indiegogo Counter Campaign Launched To Destroy Minas Tirith
Indiegogo Counter Campaign Launched To Destroy Minas Tirith

Indiegogo Counter Campaign Launched To Destroy Minas Tirith


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The Indiegogo campaign to raise Minas Tirith has reached £61,700. It’s fair to say that it’s an unprecedented amount!

Whether a counter campaign was more predictable or not is difficult to say. In either case, one has sprung up. The attempt is clearly a spoof of one sort or another. The campaign is notionally a bid to fund an Orc-ish raid. The organiser is one Stom Tacey, an anagram of fantasy author Tom Stacey. The rewards for contributions are also similarly Orc-ish. For £100,000 you can enjoy ‘a ride on a Nazgul Fellbeast’.

As yet it’s not clear how the organiser is going to make good on rewards. So far, the contributions amount to £3, for which the contributor is only afforded a thanks. Still, rewards will only come through if the campaign reaches its £1,000,000 goal, and in no more than 59 days. Still, it’s safe to say stranger things have already happened.

What do you make of this counter campaign? Does there need to be a counter counter campaign? Where will it end? Let us know in the comments!
