AWE Me are at it again. Super-Fan Builds got wind of Arya’s sword and decided to take the Game of Thrones initiative. Tim Baker and his crew have built an Iron Throne Toilet. This is not a typo. The most uncomfortable chair in TV history; a professionally made, fully functioning lavatory. The opportunity for puns is virtually limitless. Still, The Arcade has a good name to protect, we can’t just throw that all away.
The build is strangely appropriate. In the books and on screen, The Iron Throne is the most coveted seat in the Seven Kingdoms, and personally, this fan would jealously guard such a prize. And look at that, in one sentence potty puns have been swapped for feudal funnies. Not a good move, methinks. My failures not withstanding, Tim Baker and Game of Thrones undoubtably win! As does the super-fan, no doubt, who at ‘The Reveal’ is accompanied by a cosplayer that is a total dead ringer for Little Finger.
After a creation such as this, we can only wonder what’s next, and if you’ve any suggestions feel free to comment in the section below.