Home Anime/Cartoons What’s This Anime About? Boyfriend Edition

What’s This Anime About? Boyfriend Edition


My love for all things Japan came out of nowhere, growing up I’d no connections to the country or the culture but after my exposure to Anime at a very young age I’ve come to love all of it, my other half on the other hand refers to it all as big eyed cartoons! He humors me, as any decent partner would when their geekier half starts to rant about the latest show they watch but he just doesn’t get it… at all!

With that in mind I turned to him over the weekend to test his skills of perception and to see if he could guess what an Anime was about based on a single image from the show…


Cowboy Bebop

It looks like an Asian version of Scooby Doo, they are all on the floor looking to find something out about a mystery. That dog looks like it probably talks too.

The two dudes are trying to figure something but the girl and the talking dog look very confused, they are the Shaggy and Scooby of this team.

Samurai Pizza Cats

tumblr_n6by7jj4gv1rz63nbo1_500These are obviously animatronic cat, dog squirrel hybrids.

The one in pink is clearly the bossy one of the group, she looks like she constantly scowls and gives out to the other two, constantly putting them down. They are either explorers in their spare time or they are part of a top secret specialised crack pot team of cat, dog squirrel… hybrids that prevent cyber terrorism.

Aloha_Oe_crewSpace Dandy

Awwww they all look really sad! I think they are all trying to get an appointment to see a psychiatrist to sort their emotional problems. The guy with the nice hair looks like a sheriff because of the star on his jacket and his job is bringing him down.

The mopey cat in the hat is a librarian struggling with OCD and filling out the form is hurting her and the robot guy is stressed because the others are stressing him out.

tumblr_mqrfowzG3Y1sd49wao1_500Bobobo Bo Bo Bobo

This is clearly a show about a hyperactive man who dresses up like an ant-tiger but he’s clearly lost it after overdosing on steroids and he’s currently on a very bad but colourful trip while travelling South America… his latest stop is Brazil.

When not abusing steroids he just struggles with trying to make a career for himself doing whatever he can but he’s a trained ballerina.

356753-02_superSoul Eater

I think this is a sequel to Majora’s Mask because I’ve seen that moon before.

The girl is a demon hunter who believes the crescent moon is possessed by a demon and she’s going to have to fight it to set the real Moon spirit free. Her path is blocked by her arch rival a skeletal clown that also wants to defeat the Moon but only so it can take control and destroy the world.
