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Singer Officially Directing X-Men Apocalypse


Let’s face it this was obviously coming down the line but it is very nice to have 20th Century Fox confirm that Bryan Singer will return for the next movie in the X-Men franchise. Singer has directed the last two highly successful movies, ‘First Class‘ and ‘Days of Future Past‘ and that closing scene from the the end of credits has many fans (myself included) eager for the next movie.
The news of Singer’s return was first reported by Variety, Singer and the release of the Days of Future Past were shrouded in allegations and many assumed it would hamper his career and the success of the movie and ultimately his involvement in future projects.
On the next movie Singer has said that it’s going to the biggest one yet:
Apocalypse’ will have more of the mass destruction that ‘X-Men’ films, to date, have not relied upon,” he recently said. “There’s definitely now a character and a story that allow room for that kind of spectacle.
Singer’s Days of Future Past netted Fox $745 million worldwide and they’ve scheduled Apocalypse for May 27th 2016.
