Home Buzz Interview: Super Retro World
Interview: Super Retro World

Interview: Super Retro World


Retro games just won’t go away… and that’s not a bad thing! That’s the opposite of  a bad thing! They weren’t retro when I was playing them but at the time they were the greatest machines I ever owned! The very first console I ever bought myself was the Super Nintendo, I paid for it and the Nintendo Scope with the money I… earned… from my Holy Communion for the next eight years it was staple to my daily routine but then I got an N64, a PlayStation, a GameCube, a PS2, a Dreamcast, an Xbox, an Xbox 360 and a PS3 and my SNES went to the back of the press.


Some times I’ll see a gif or a picture, cover track dedicated to the good ole days and I’ll think about those days but that’s it! That’s not the case for the people over at Super Retro World, they live and breathe this stuff and I’m jealous! Letting my envy go I sit down with SRW for a chat about the world of retro gaming!

What is Super Retro World?

Super Retro World is a website for buying retro games and consoles. The idea is to have an easily accessible place for retro gamers to browse and purchase their favourite games at the fairest price we can give, as they can be very hard to come by. Retro gamers can visit the site, purchase a game or console, and have it arrive to their door anywhere in Ireland with free delivery. 


Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself? How did you get started with Super Retro World?

I’m a 23 year old business student living in Dublin. I’ve always had a passion for business and entrepreneurship, and ran a successful small business on ebay between the ages of 17-19. I set up Super Retro World because I have a big interest in retro games myself, and found it frustrating at times finding a place to buy them in Ireland. It also seemed that when I did find a place that sold retro games, the prices would be crazy. I wanted to set up an easily accessible website where people could go to buy games at a fair price, with minimum effort. With the demand for retro games increasing all the time, I felt that a platform to buy them at the click of a mouse would appeal.

How does the store work? Can customers contact you about specific products? Is it just games or do you stock consoles?

The store works just like any on-line retail store. The customer can visit the website, and there are direct links to each section of the site (e.g. N64, SNES, Sega etc) In each section the games and consoles we have available will be listed, and these can then be added to the cart and paid for by paypal. We do also stock consoles, and some are currently listed on the site, with more expected to arrive in the near future. We are constantly trying to grow the amount of stock we have, with a wide variation to suit all retro gaming fans. Customers can contact us directly about products using the contact form that we have on the website. We get enquiries about products on a daily basis, as well as requests for certain games/consoles, and we then do our best to source them for the customer.

Do you buy old consoles/games?

Yes, we do buy old consoles/games. The contact form on our site allows people to send us a description of what they would like to sell, and we then move forward with an offer. Customers also have the option of trading in old consoles/games to get trade in value towards purchases on the site.

sonic-1-no-oThe console wars began with Sega and Nintendo – where did you place your support and is it still there?

My initial support was with Nintendo. I grew up with a SNES, and had more games for it than I could count. Around the time of my 10th birthday, I was given a Sega Megadrive with a Mega CD as a birthday present and I loved it. I spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing Golden Axe, Streets Of Rage, and Sonic but my support is definitely leaning towards Nintendo and always has been.

Let’s talk about your own preferences – what type of games do you prefer to play and avoid?

I like all genres of games. My favourite genres would be Adventure, Action- Adventure, and RPG. But I also love a good shoot em up or beat em up. Games I would avoid are games that are too simple. There’s nothing worse than a game you can finish in a few hours with ease on the hardest difficulty… especially if they have no storyline to go with it.

Favourite console? SNES.
Favourite game? Zelda: A Link To The Past.

We’re on the 8th Generation of consoles but retro consoles are still in popular demand – why do you think people still want them?

This is actually a discussion I’ve had with a lot of people. I think the reason is that the jump from the first ever games consoles to the next couple of generations was always massive, so they had a huge impact upon being released. The jump from the likes of the commodore and Amstrad to NES and SNES was so huge in terms of graphics and gameplay, that these consoles were unbelievably exciting.
golden-axe-screenshot1Then the jump to the improved graphics of the N64 and PS1, which was again huge. Nowadays consoles mainly improve upon graphics and technical aspects, but the jump isn’t as earth shattering as it was back then. This gives people very fond memories of when these consoles were originally released. Another huge reason is that people want to be reminded of the games that they used to play as children. Retro games also have that more playful aspect to them than modern games.

Modern games are all about realism, with the games being more like realistic and detailed simulations of things that happen, or could happen, in real life. With retro games, the focus was a lot more on imagination, cartoon-like graphics, and fantasy, which I think is hugely appealing to retro gamers.

I suppose we can’t talk about the games without talking about gamers – do you think there is a difference between retro games and modern players?

I think every gamer is different. Personally I play modern games as well as retro games, and get a different type of enjoyment from each. I think younger gamers who never really experienced some of the earlier retro games can be a lot more serious and competitive when it comes to gaming, with modern games being fiercely competitive due to the options for multiplayers and online multiplayer, whereas retro gaming was more about having a laugh. But each gamer is different and I think a lot of them would mix it up between retro games and modern games.

If you were trapped in an Arcade for eternity what one video game would you ply to pass the time?

If it’s for eternity I guess id need something that wouldn’t be the same every time I play it. Maybe Populous? Or Metal Gear Solid. I could never get tired of playing Metal Gear Solid. In terms of a pure arcade game it would be Street Fighter II.




For more information on Super Retro World check their official website here!

You can also keep up to date with the gang over at Super Retro World on Facebook!
