Home Games Humble Indie Bundle 9
Humble Indie Bundle 9

Humble Indie Bundle 9


The newest humble indie Bundle has finally come around, and boy is the line-up a kicker. The bundle includes:

Trine 2: Complete story, Mark of the Ninja, Eets Munchies Beta, and Brutal Legend and if you pay over the average you unlock FTL: Faster than Light and FEZ.

All Proceeds from sales go to charities Childs play, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Watsi. Each game comes with a steam key and you also receive soundtracks from Trine 2, Brutal Legend, FTL and FEZ… did we mention charity?

There are 12 days left in the bundle, and more games will be annoucned, so if you buy if now, you get the future games when they are revealed.

The Humble Indie bundle is always a wonderful way to help charities and the indie scene. I myself have played all the games on the list bar Eets Munchies Beta and Brutal Legend. Eets Munchies Beta is an interesting little puzzle game about helping a rabbit traverse through a level and eat as much food as he can. Brutal Legend is an action-adventure real-time strategy game by the guys over at Double Fine, with a weird rock inspired story, including Jack Black as the lead character.

Trine 2: complete story is the original game with the DLC Goblin Menace included, and it’s a wonderful co-op puzzle platformer, Mark of the Ninja is one of the best stealth titles in the last 5 years, FTL is an amazing little space rouge-like where you must manage the inside of your ship as you travel across the galaxy with a message (check out our review here!) and FEZ is a charming puzzle platformer with an interesting “perspective”.

The bundle is a bargain, and when it helps charity as well you really cannot say no. Go and do yourself a favour and pick it up.

[Words, Ciaran Nolan]
