Home Niamh Ennis

Niamh Ennis

Quidditch Ireland Needs Your Help!

The Arcade previously told you about the new Team Ireland that was being formed for The European Quidditch Games. This new team was announced in Quidditch circles earlier this month (as below). There have been two appearances by various line-ups in the past, but outside of professional sport. Particularly for such a new and innovative […]

Hit ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Coming To Irish Viewers

It’s the news we’ve been waiting for; Channel 4 is set to air the latest lavish adaptation of Margaret Atwood classic The Handmaid’s Tale. Whether you’re a sci-fi nerd, an Atwood scholar or just love to be watching the most talked about shows, you’ll want to catch this. The story centers around a scary imagined past […]

Guardians of the Galaxy – Gallery

We at The Arcade are quite fond of the mad mix of characters Marvel comics basically threw together to create The Guardians of the Galaxy in 2008, and in the cinema Vol 2 did nothing but heighten our love. Whether you enjoy the films, want to dress like them or are a true comic nerd, we […]

Whachu Doing This Week… Niamh?

When that post-Easter food baby has become more akin to something from Charmed or last year’s Prevenge, getting the bare minimal done is average. So in the past week or so i’ve mostly been watching TV or reading. I was watching a lot of animal themed stuff over Easter but rather than bore you with my […]

The Search is on for Ireland’s Premier Quidditch Team-First Trials Begun!

The first of two intensive all-weekend trials were held for Team Ireland last week. I wrote previously about the development of the Irish Quidditch scene and the sheer amount of talent on show was inspirational. This was testament to the returning 2016 World Cup and 2015 European Games players, as well as the hard work […]

Get Schwifty -Rick and Morty – Track of the Day

It’s almost the weekend! Rick and Morty has a new episode! So get Schwifty! We may not be able to taste the limited edition Mulan Sauce, or make our worst enemies smell our farts, but we can spend two brand new days off doing what we like, much like Rick Sanchez. If you don’t get […]

Trailer Released For Daniel Radcliffe’s ‘Jungle’

For those following Daniel Radcliffe’s post-Potter career, it has been a wild ride so far. But quite a bit of it has been under the average person’s radar. Some readers may have seen Horns or Victor Frankenstein, but films like What If, Kill Your Darlings or Swiss Army Man may have seemed aimed at a certain type […]

Dublin Quidditch Team Roar into their First European Match Victory in Belgium

The European Quidditch Cup was held in Mechelen in Belgium last weekend,and it marked the first international tournament for the emerging Dublin Draíoctha Dragons. The team, training since late last year, didn’t blow most of the competition out of the water, but they by all means stirred things up and turned heads. Winning their final […]

Beauty and The Beast – Lovingly Pruning a Classic Rose

In some ways, The Ben Condon live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast  is a carbon copy of the original 1991, but in some ways it’s not. It is like they were lovingly pruning a rose but updating it. Some of the scenes and their progress are ever just the same, and are a love […]

Two Cute Kids Take Over The Internet And BBC

It seemed like a regular BBC News report of a Pusan National College associate professor being interviewed about Korean affairs. Until Robert E Kelly’s children broke into the room, disturbing the interview. The scene gets even more comic when a woman hurriedly comes in to take control. It had the potential to join one of […]