Home Latest It’s Samara Vs. Kayako In The Ring/Grudge Crossover Teaser
It’s Samara Vs. Kayako In The Ring/Grudge Crossover Teaser

It’s Samara Vs. Kayako In The Ring/Grudge Crossover Teaser


If you haven’t had your fill of creepy Japanese ghosts, you’ll be no doubted delighted to hear the antagonists of Ringu (The Ring) and Ju-On: The Grudge (The Grudge) will do battle on the big screen in the upcoming Sadako vs. Kayako.

The teaser doesn’t give much to go on, but confirms the video tape will remain an essential plot device for Sadako. The project initially began as an April Fool’s prank but interest shown was evidently enough to encourage further development of the concept. This announcement is interesting since over in the U.S. reboots are in the works for both The Ring and Grudge franchises.

The film is slated for a June 2016 release.
