Every now and then there are talks about adapting Dune to the cinema. It was one of those projects that would get a bit of traction and then get into development hell again. At least that was until Denis Villeneuve came along.
After Blade Runner 2049 he said his next project would be an adaptation of Dune. Split in two films. At first I was doubtful, but after watching Blade Runner 2049 my opinion changed to “Let him do whatever he wants.”
Unlike previous attempts of readapting Dune, this one is getting traction. Casting is already underway, with Timothee Chamelet cast to play Paul Atreides (if you ask me, that’s a great choice) but now there’s another name added into the fold: Rebecca Ferguson.
Rebecca Ferguson has become a steadily common presence ever since her appearance on the last two Mission: Impossible movies. And she has a busy year ahead.
Ferguson is in the Men in Black reboot and has also been cast in the adaptation of Stephen King‘s Doctor Sleep. Right now she’s in negotiations to join Dune and she’d play Lady Jessica, one of the most important characters of the story.
Here’s hoping that the next names attached to the film are even better. I’m curious to see who’d play Duke Leto, Baron Harkonnen or Feyd-Rautha. Hopefully Villeneuve‘s Dune won’t suffer the fate of Alejandro Jodorowky‘s Dune (for more on that check the excellent Jodorowsky’s Dune documentary).
Angry Spaniard, adoptive Irishman. Writer, reader, tea drinker and video game player/designer.