Much like many people in January, the new year new active me takes a while to kick in properly. What starts as positive more advanced Yoga etc class sign-up doesn’t continue past week 2,for various reasons. This can make motivation even worse and I’m a lot of people can relate. So there’s many tracks I personally listen to to give me a sense of ‘I can do this’, one of which is today’s track of the day.
Any animé fans reading might recognise this song as the one that appears in the credits for the very sweet and inclusive Yuri on Ice. I have found it difficult to find the actual version, particularly on Spotify, so when I need that particular sport related kick(something I need before the first Irish Quidditch Cup this Saturday at Trinity College) , I throw a different version of this tune on the headphones. The track talks all about losing faith in yourself but pushing through to make a real impact, which is something we all strive for midweek.
“There’ll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable.”
What do you listen to for motivation? Let us know in the comments below!