Home Latest ‘Haunted’ – Poe – Track Of The Day
‘Haunted’ – Poe – Track Of The Day

‘Haunted’ – Poe – Track Of The Day


For today’s Track of the Day I bring an exceptional song; it’s eerie, beautiful and it gets stuck in my head a lot. I’m talking about ‘Haunted’ by Poe.

I first heard about Poe after reading Mark Z. Danielewski‘s House of Leaves. That book had such an effect on me that I’ve just spent half an hour trying to make the word ‘house’ blue, because that’s how it appears in that book. Anyway, Poe‘s real name is Anne Decatur Danielewsi, and the Haunted album was made as some sort of companion piece to House of Leaves. In fact the video of her song ‘Hey Pretty’ has him reading a passage from the book.

So far this is her last album, for now. A series of weird legal issues prevented her from releasing new music for more than a decade. But hopefully we’ll get a new album soon because I quite like this one.

I chose this song because I’ve been playing the game Alan Wake lately. And after hearing this song at the end of the second episode, I was caught by surprise. I hadn’t thought about this song in a while and as soon as I heard it I started humming it to myself.

In fact, I’m still doing that.

Ba da pa pa

Ba da pa pa
