ALT Events Dublin Game Night is a monthly event where participants can choose to play a game from ALT’s ever growing collection of modern board games! It takes place every second Sunday of the month and the next will be on Sunday August 14 at the Fringe Lab.
You’re also welcome to bring your own games, but there will have a wide selection available to try out on the night, including:
Ticket to Ride | XCOM: The Board Game | Small World | Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game | Alien Frontiers | Forbidden Island | Panic Station | Betrayal at House on the Hill | Munchkin | Ruse | Elder Sign | Tsuro | Smash Up | Cards Against Humanity | Love Letter | Zombie Dice | Jenga | Hanabi | Masquarade and plenty more
For more information check out ALT Events Dublin on their Facebook or their Game Night event page.