Time for another pop-punk classic, but with a twist? Yep, today’s track comes from Yellowcard and it’s a decidedly more chill affair than usual.
I like some…questionable music. My sister overheard me listening to ‘Psychosocial’ by Slipknot the other day and sneered “I don’t know how you can listen to that stuff”, to which my only response was “You kidding? Those vocals are still understandable, dude!”. I’m not quite as far gone as Friendly Neighbourhood Editor Anthony, who will say the sentence “You should listen to Cattle Decapitation, they’re really good progressive goregrind” without a hint of irony (It’s the truth, dam it! – Ed.), but yeah, I like some heavy, scream-filled unlistenable rubbish. Sometimes you just gotta chill out and go for something a bit softer though, which is where tracks like this come in.
Those of you from a certain era will know this song. As I said, it’s a pop-punk classic, one which always gets a great reaction from drunken former emo teens in my favourite nightclub, but this acoustic twist on it is much more easy-listening without losing any of the bouncy upbeat nature of the original. The fact that the excellent drumming is still in there, as is the violin which always separated Yellowcard from their peers, is a great sign, and overall it’s just a happy, toe-tapping piece of chilled-out nostalgic goodness.