Home Latest New Translation Technology Shown Off In The Creepiest Way Possible
New Translation Technology Shown Off In The Creepiest Way Possible

New Translation Technology Shown Off In The Creepiest Way Possible


Odds are, if you’re reading this website, you have at least a slight interest in Japanese media. Be it manga, anime or video games, you’ve likely consumed your fair share from the land of the rising sun and maybe even hope to visit there in the future. However, no matter how much anime you watch you’re likely still hindered by a language barrier should you ever meet someone who is actually Japanese.

Thankfully, some new technology called ‘ili’ has been invented to help break down this barrier, and their prototype looks genuinely helpful, but sadly their methods of demonstration is… less than desirable. In order to showcase their technology they had a man from the UK use ili to ask women in Japan to kiss him. Aside from being cringe worthy in its own right, this video adds to a long list of similar videos wherein women are harassed on camera and the explanation becomes “It’s okay, they’re actresses!”

The video can be viewed below, but let’s hope it won’t be around for long. It would be a shame for a genuinely useful technology to be discredited by an advertisement like this when it could be very successful. Don’t forget to let us know your opinion on the video and the technology in the comments below!
