Home Games Banjo Guy Ollie: Undertale Spider Dance
Banjo Guy Ollie: Undertale Spider Dance

Banjo Guy Ollie: Undertale Spider Dance


Looking for something chilled but upbeat? Then Banjo Guy Ollie has you covered with his take on ‘Spider Dance’ from the incredibly successful Undertale. The indie rpg written, created and published by Toby Fox was released in September of last year and went on to earn critical and fan acclaim particularly for it’s story and well thought out characters.

‘Spider Dance’ plays during your encounter with Muffet, a spider monster with a penchant for baked goods.Muffet You learn quickly that beneath her passion for bake sales, lies a somewhat angry spirit, giving out to passers-by for not stopping to buy something and eventually engaging you in combat where she can, depending on your choices thus far, accuse you of shoplifting from her.

Muffet appears to be the leader of the spiders in the Underground and is highly protective of her people. This track even with BGO’s cover is a mixed bag of elements that encapsulate the character, there is a lot happening in it, while it’s quick and a little frantic, it isn’t overly threatening and when you actually give it a full listen it could be even mistaken for being a little playful!
