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Gif Essay: The Out Of Place Geek

Gif Essay: The Out Of Place Geek



How many of us have had to attend some manner of non-geek related function over the years? Weddings. Birthdays of really old people. Functions where we might find ourselves awkwardly trying to hold conversation with people we otherwise might never have to speak to for any longer than it takes to make eye contact and nod. And awkward is the key word here.

We’re so used to talking about movies and comics and cosplay that having to hold conversations outside of our usual realm can leave us in some tricky positions. Especially when we say something that really requires the other person to actually know what the hell we’re on about, which sometimes results in coming across as uber creepy.

Clueless and Alone

People are talking about mortgages and babies and a whole host of stuff you just don’t really want to think about. Being bored to death is a legitimate concern.


There’s a break in the conversation and you see your chance and jump in with, “So, who’s excited for the new Star Wars?”


“Nah, I’m not into all that space stuff. It’s just a little too far-fetched for me.” The disgust in the voice is palpable.

You wander off to the nearest corner in silence, grab a drink on the way and start a much-needed conversation with yourself about how the world has gone genuinely mad. It’s no surprise that the voices in your head are much more agreeable conversationalists.


The Overheard and Out of Context

r9TptTbYou’ve eventually found someone at the gathering that happens to share some of your interests. You’ve latched onto them like a dying man to a life-raft. However, although this person might know what you’re talking about, the people in your general vicinity don’t. Catching a segment of conversation ending with “…and then I chainsawed that thieving bastard in half. Oh man, you should have heard him screaming at me” will usually result in something like this happening to the people in your general area:




Nope. No weirdoes here and, for the record, Gears of War is totally a perfectly awesome and sane thing.


Unexpected Geeks

Despite the general feeling of being not only a fish out of water, but being the only fish out of water in a post-apocalyptic landscape filled with hungry cats, there will always be one unexpected person who allies with you. They might not know what you’re talking about but they could be fleeing from aunts asking them why they haven’t found someone to marry yet. There’s safety in numbers. And if it means being able to talk to a human being then so be it. The voices in your head got mean when you brought up the best Star Trek captain.


Not even a little bit crazy. Not even a bit.

Then you find out that your new friend has never watched a single episode of Doctor Who.



After your shock passes, you decide to change them for the better and, by the end of a brief enthusiastic synopsis, they’re already looking up video clips of the good Doctor.


It’s spreading…


Unfortunately, they’re soon pulled off and you’re alone again. This all feels just too much like hard work. Who’s throwing this thing again? Right, time to make the excuses, you’ve suffered enough.


Whatever can I do now?

