With the seventh instalment of the Star Wars saga, The Force Awakens, yet to be released, it would seem that Disney is already looking to the future of the franchise, and has shortlisted candidates for the female lead in Episode VIII. With critically acclaimed actresses Gina Rodriguez, Olivia Cooke and Tatiana Maslany all in the running for the part, it looks like the competition will be a close decision.
Gina Rodriguez (Jane The Virgin) is a Golden Globe winner from 2015, while Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black) is a Golden Globe nominee and was rumoured to also be in the running for a role in Rogue One before the part went to Felicity Jones. Olivia Cooke, unlike her fellow front-runners, is relatively new to the screen, but has been receiving rave reviews for her parts in Bates Motel and the recent Me and Earl and The Dying Girl.
While nothing is set in stone, insiders claim that while director/writer Rian Johnson is still auditioning women for the role, and the final casting is pending a chemistry read with The Force Awakens lead John Boyega before the end of the month, the above actresses will definitely be heavy contenders for the role.
What do you think, readers? Who would you like to see in Episode VIII? Let us know in the comments below!