Home News Warcraft Film Is Almost Finished According To Director
Warcraft Film Is Almost Finished According To Director

Warcraft Film Is Almost Finished According To Director


With the Warcraft movie being such a long time coming, having changed directors and visions many times, it seems like the film of legends is finally nearing completion. Director Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) was asked at Comic-Con how close the film was to being completed. In a video interview with io9, Jones told the press that he had less then 10 VFX shots left to go, and with that the film is finished.

He went on to discuss the hardships of creating a video game film, stating “As soon as I saw David Fincher make a movie out of Facebook, I felt like anything is possible. The source of your material is not necessarily going to dictate whether you can make a good movie. It’s finding an element of truth in it, or a thread which you can build a story around.”

Jones also spoke about the film in terms of following the series cannon, stating “Hundred percent taking it into consideration, whether we follow the contours of every nook and cranny, probably not. But I do feel very confident that fans of the game will feel like they are in caring hands. We are going to do them justice”.

When asked about the change in tone and scope of the Warcraft film to his other projects, Jones replied, “Its like going from playing Day of the Tentacle on one day to playing DnD the next day. You can do it, you just need different dice.”

The Warcraft film has been something of a mystery during its filming process, and we still don’t exactly know a great deal about how the film will look, bar a few poster designs and an interactive trailer. We are glad to hear that Duncan Jones is taking the film seriously, and has given a perfect answer in terms of the press questioning his scope for the film. With the director wanting to make this a trilogy, it looks like it’s up to fans to decide the future of the series.

Warcraft will release on June 10, 2016.

Are you a fan of the Warcraft series? Let us know what you think about the news on the movie in the comments.
