I know a lot of us don’t want to think about this or talk about it, but it needs to be brought up at some point that Blade Runner 2 is coming, whether we like it or not.
While early reports from Ridley Scott put him firmly in producing and out of the director’s chair, new reports have him giving a more uncertain answer that could see him direct it yet. It seems like he’s a little uncertain about passing on the task to anyone else and the film sequel to the 1982 cult movie so far has no official director.
What has been confirmed is that they’re billing it as a three-act storyline with Harrison Ford back in action for the follow-up film. In the generation of reboots and sequels I’m sure a lot of people aren’t happy to see such an iconic film be given the new age Hollywood spit and polish but it looks to be happening, so I’m going to get on board for this and cross my eyes, toes and fingers. Though I will admit, finding an antagonist better than Rutger Hauer’s Roy Batty is a challenge I don’t envy.
Either way, considering Scott’s already got some films lined up with The Martian being his next in line, Blade Runner 2 doesn’t look set to even begin production till after 2016.