Home Comics/Books Marvel Tease ‘X-Men 92’

Marvel Tease ‘X-Men 92’



Have you ever met someone while out, they’ve given you the glad eye, a flirtatious smile, a cheeky wink only to find out as you approach their better half is sitting across from them glaring you out of it – the tease is natural, you like it, you can’t help fall for it. Right now, I’m caught in one of those moments with Marvel, the Avengers trailers, the comics for 2015 and now… well this may be the moment I realise Marvel have taken it a little too far because you don’t joke about my favourite cartoon series… EVER!


Marvel teased the above image for ‘X-Men 92’, they haven’t said it’s for a new cartoon series, a comic series or just a harmless flirtation with the fans (in which case they are heartless monsters). For now Marvel are silent and all we have is that teaser but you can rest assured there’ll be more… Marvel just love teasing us!

For now though enjoy the opening music to one of the greatest cartoons ever made:
