Cable Movie Is Coming Says Rob Liefeld
Over the weekend at Comikaze 2014, Rob Liefeld held a Q ‘n’ A. Being the co-creator of Deadpool, fans were eager to get his two cents and possibly some new information on the Deadpool film, and what might be in the future for the MErc with a Mouth’s famous companion, Cable.
Speaking on how the Deadpool film first came about, Rob said, “Following Wolverine 2009, the Donners called me into their office and said, ‘Rob, we want to meet and talk to you about Deadpool, since we’re spinning it off. We know we made some missteps, and we want to get it right.’ So I sat there with a bunch of producers, and we sat for several hours, and we talked about different ideas. And I tried to steer them in directions I think. For instance, I’ll tell you, first question they said, ‘Rob, does Cable need to be in the Deadpool movie?’ And I said, ‘No, Deadpool deserves his own function and Cable should come in in his own movie.’ And they were like, ‘Ok, because we were thinking about…’ And I was like, ‘No, you can do them both separately. They don’t need to be in the same movie.’ Look, we had a long talk, we had some ideas, I can’t share them, some of them made it across the finish line.”
Then the conversation turned towards Ryan Reynolds, and how instrumental he was in putting the project together. On Ryan Reynolds’ part in proceedings, Liefeld is more than happy with the casting, “Ryan is Deadpool. Look, Ryan Reynolds, he’s gone through that same career arc, the guy is ridiculously talented. He has a huge, huge passion for Deadpool. Deadpool’s not happening, because he was a giant star, they said, ‘Ryan, what do you want to do?’ And he said, ‘Deadpool.’ That’s why it happened. They would have no faith otherwise. That movie is because of his passion. He put together the team.”
Although it’s unknown when Cable will hit the big screen, Rob made sure to come back to the point to assure fans that its coming,”Cable is awesome. And he will…when he appears on screen, we’re all going to nerdgasm, because he’s coming. They can’t hold him back. He’s coming.”
While it’s unknown if the Deadpool movie is part of a longer deal, chances are Cable will be tied into the X-Men franchise Fox are re-building with this year Days of Future Past. Only time will tell, but for now, great news!