Home Games News: Final Exam Overview Trailer
News: Final Exam Overview Trailer

News: Final Exam Overview Trailer


A group of four buddies visit their old high school for what would have been the mother of all parties, and find themselves trapped in a small town that has been invaded by a pack of monstrous and particularly aggressive creatures. No horror film cliché has been spared by the chainsaw of the developers, Mighty Rocket Studios, and you can expect a crazy mix of monsters, baseball bats, rocket launchers and references to video games and teen horror movies. “

So… you’ve got your animated gore, a group of mates, an arsenal of weapons, skills and techniques and hordes upon hordes of monsters to slaughter your way through! Colour me very interested Mighty Rocket Studio’s ‘Final Exam’. The game plays either as single or multi-player (both LAN and Online) with four different characters, each with their own abilities, to choose from! You can find the full overview trailer of the game right here!


Final Exam will be available for download on PC, Xbox LIVE® Arcade and PlayStation®Network on November 8th.
