Home Games News: Dishonored Game of the Year Edition leaked
News: Dishonored Game of the Year Edition leaked

News: Dishonored Game of the Year Edition leaked


The Australian classification board has, in typical fashion leaked the GOTYE for Bethesda’s brilliant steam-punk stealth game. It’s almost a sure bet the Bethesda will release the edition with the DLC packed in, similar to the previous Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. In similar news, Dishonored’s final DLC pack “The Brigmore Witches” will launch next Wednesday. (14/8/13)

As of yet there is indication of what else the Game of the Year Edition will contain but we can expect a release on October 16th! If they do continue with tradition than anyone who purchases this edition will also receive DLC including The Knife of Dunwall, Void Walker’s Arsenal, Dunwall City Trials not to forget that last pack mentioned above and it’s teaser trailer below!
