Home Games Review: Papers, Please!
Review: Papers, Please!

Review: Papers, Please!


So many new indie games are cropping up every day. Surgeon simulators, game development simulators and so many more! But I have to say, the strangest one I’ve come across is ‘Papers Please’.

 ‘Papers Please’, made by Lucas Pope, follows your character who works at an immigration booth in the country of Arstotzka. Your job as  a player is to inspect passports and make sure no troublemakers get into your ‘glorious’ country.
This means  checking their country of origin, making sure their photo matches their appearance and generally making sure  they’re not trying to swindle you! I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea when I heard about it, but after looking more  into the game, I have to admit it’s a serious source of enjoyment.

 It starts off quite easy; all you have to do is make sure their passport is from Arstotzka. You then simply allow or deny them access based on this.
As the game progresses, it gets harder. You need to make sure entry permits match the passport number and other such tasks. If in doubt, you have the option to question the citizens about their business and even request strip searches! 

All in all, it’s one of those games you have to play for the sake of it. It’s time wasting and hilarious, and it gets my vote!

You can download ‘Papers Please’ for free at www.dukope.com.
