Home Games News – PSN Update! Bin Laden is dead again? One sec what’s the iSec?!
News – PSN Update! Bin Laden is dead again? One sec what’s the iSec?!

News – PSN Update! Bin Laden is dead again? One sec what’s the iSec?!


PS Network Update – Nick Chaplin

We know many of you are wanting to play games online, chat with your friends and enjoy all of the services PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have to offer, and trust me when I say we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. We will update you with more information as soon as we have it. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience of this network outage.

That was part of the statement from Nick Chaplin, Head of Communications over at SCEE. The statement comes as the PlayStation Network still remains down after 17 days, with players unable to access the online domain and play. However no date has been given as to when we can expect the Network to be restored properly, after initial claims that it would only be a week (which has long since passed) we’ve no idea when we can expect to be playing online again.

As you’ve heard us say, our utmost priorities are the security of the network and ensuring your data is safe. We won’t restore the services until we can test the system’s strength in these respects.”

You can read the full statement from Nick here: Service Restoration Update  

Bin Laden – Virtual Death


From Kuma Reality Games, a new episode of KumaWar 2 has quickly become one of the most popular in the series. ‘The Death of Osama Bin Laden’, the new episode, allows players to take on the roles of U.S. Navy SEALS and storm a carefully constructed compound similar to the one that Bin Laden was using as a base and attempt to assassinate the Al Qaeda leader.

Players are assigned the role of SEAL or bodyguard to Bin Laden, SEAL players will have to accomplish certain tasks as well as kill Bin Laden while the defenders simply have to make sure that Bin Laden lives.
The game is not meant to be an exact run-through of the events as they happened but for all intents purpose the compound is meant to be a near perfect recreation of the compound. Bin Laden is unarmed but can use a nearby weapon to defend himself.

Not too sure how we feel about this one folks, this feels like another party in the celebration at the death of Bin Laden and we’re not willing to touch that… just yet! Each to their own though!

What’s an iSec!?

Chinese gamers are about to get their hands on their very own home grown console! With Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft consoles unable to get a foot in the door of the Chinese gamer market, (knockoffs don’t count!) but on the 6th of May the iSec was unveiled to the people of China and the rest of the world!
Originally named the eBox, the console utilises motion sensors much like those in Microsoft’s Kinect and many of the games will be based on that with exercise games being available on release. The machine also doubles as Karaoke Machine and will have a number of titles available on release with many games being developed for the Console outside China!

Don’t worry if you want to get your hands on your own iSec as the developers Eedoo Tech has stated that they’d consider selling the console outside China after they’ve reached a sales target of 1 million in China first!

Nyan nyan nyan nyan!

One of the most popular internet memes out there at the moment, the Nyan cat is an annoying repetitive pop tart cat that trails rainbows in the night sky… many fans of the cat will test their patience by forcing themselves to listen to the meme on loop for extended periods of time… you can test yourself right here on the @rcade now… but we’ve got more than one! With its popularity has come many different versions of the Nyan video…

*Warning we do not recommend listening to all of these videos at once*

The Original

The Classical

The Zelda One


