Home Tag "hip-hop"

You Should… Listen to Gang Starr

In anticipation for Marvel’s new Netflix series Luke Cage, the episode titles were released online. Each one shares the name of a song by Gang Starr, one of the finest groups from hip-hop’s most creative era. The reaction to this was met with praise as it showed Marvel was acknowledging it’s influence on inner city […]

Hamilton And Star Trek Crossover In ‘My Spock’

Have you heard Hamilton? You really should listen to Hamilton. It’s a hip-hop musical about American founding father Alexander Hamilton. It is BRILLIANT. Even if you haven’t though, you’ll still likely appreciate this mash-up/parody from Jackson Lanzing, who merges Hamilton‘s ‘My Shot’ with Spock from Star Trek. The results are conclusive: This is amazing. Fans […]

Replay: Def Jam: Fight For NY

“A beaten dog may fear you, but the second you turn your back he’s gonna strike. Real power comes from respect. That’s what our code is all about.” -Chris Judge as D-Mob A particular Music Monday from a few week’s back inspired me to play Def Jam: Fight for NY again. I remember getting it […]