Home Featured ‘Know What I Mean’ – Nichelle Nichols – Track of the Day
‘Know What I Mean’ – Nichelle Nichols – Track of the Day

‘Know What I Mean’ – Nichelle Nichols – Track of the Day


This week sees the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. To honour this special occasion I shall be highlighting some of my favourite musical moments associated with this fascinating franchise.

Unlike William Shatner and to a lesser extent Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols did not create much of an impact in the world of pop music. Ironic considering she is actually able to sing. And she is rather good at it too. There are one or two moments in The Original Series and even The Animated Series where Uhura flexed her musical muscles but I’d like to present her talents with an actual song.

‘Know What I Mean’ is taken from her 1967 album Down to Earth. Nichols fires up her sexier side, channeling the late Ertha Kitt in this groovy piece of ’60s soul. If you think the cast of The Original Series are devoid of musical talent and you’ve never heard Nichelle Nichols sing (really sing) you are in for a treat.
