Home Latest Marina And The Diamonds Covers Cyndi Lauper’s ‘True Colours’
Marina And The Diamonds Covers Cyndi Lauper’s ‘True Colours’

Marina And The Diamonds Covers Cyndi Lauper’s ‘True Colours’


There are two things in this world I hold very sacred – my hardback collection of Trudi Canavan books and the music of Cyndi Lauper. I’ll always give covers her work a listen just to see where an artist takes the sound and the lyrics but few ever come close to even reaching the original pieces. Lauper has an amazing ability to pour herself into her music, every word and note has a personal touch to it that’s impossible to replicate.

Then this cover of ‘True Colours’ appears by one of my favourite performers and I’m completely blown away by it. Marina and the Diamonds is known for her electric pop sound and while a tiny echo of that resonates in the track, this cover is sublime and the Welsh singer-songwriter crafts the song in her own way.

