Home Buzz IndieGogo Campaign For New Irish TV Series, ‘Rising’
IndieGogo Campaign For New Irish TV Series, ‘Rising’

IndieGogo Campaign For New Irish TV Series, ‘Rising’


An IndieGogo campaign for a brand new Irish web series, Rising is asking for donations to complete production.

The series pens itself as dystopian scifi set in an Ireland in the not too distant future. The government attempts to bury a viral outbreak and revolves around six key characters offering insight into the incident and outcome as Ireland struggles to survive the disaster.


“On the hundredth anniversary of the 1916 Rising, an unnerving dystopian scifi drama set in a future Ireland, will be screened across the globe to an international audience.Our pilot episode sets up the ‘world’ of ‘Rising’, introducing the premise, characters and structure that will come in to play throughout the series.”

The campaign has 12 days left and has raised just over 20% of their £15,000 goal. If you’d like to get involved and reap some pretty interesting rewards then click here!
